Couples Therapy

Dona L Desmond PhD, LMFT

Helping Your Relationship

Call: 1-310-281-3051

Woodland Hills CA 91364     West Los Angeles CA 90025

ADD/ADHD Partners

Does your partner have ADD/ADHD?

Have you ever wondered if your partner has undiagnosed ADD?

If so you might have noticed certain qualities that they bring to your relationship which may be frustrating to you.

I have treated ADD and it’s impact on life and love for 11 years now; I can help you understand it and develop strategies for dealing with it.

It’s important to note that people with ADD are often very intelligent and well intended. The issues they struggle with are usually not based on bad character but rather on having a brain that is chemically and physically different.

These differences can create relationship  challenges in the areas of communication, intimacy and having a smooth domestic life together.

Here are a few of the typical complaints that I hear from partners of ADD/ADHD individuals

“My partner can really focus on things he likes but he's

inconsistent and undisciplined  about everything else.”

“My partner makes promises then she gets distracted and goes in a whole different direction.”

“I nag my partner to be more stable. He tries but can't ever seem to do it. I feel like I have another child instead of a husband".

“The harder my partner tries to focus on details the more frustrated she gets.”

“My partner is very outgoing but doesn't understand certain subtleties in social interactions. She often offends people & embarrasses me. My friends think he's rude and pull away.”

“My partner is super smart but repeatedly makes bad decisions and acts impulsively.”

“My partner can’t get organized or do normal things in a normal way.  I don't understand it because he is so smart otherwise.”

“My partner is very enthusiastic at first but then loses steam and never finishes what she starts. Our home is filled with half finished projects.”

“My partner procrastinates on everything. I hate that  I have to nag him to get going."

“My partner is a Night Owl and a restless sleeper, night time is an ongoing battle for us.”

“My partner is quick to anger, talks too much and goes off on unconnected tangents.”

If several of these patterns are present in your relationship your partner may have ADD and it might be useful to have a session or two of Couples Therapy to understand it better. I can help you with strategies to get more in sync together.

Email is the best way to reach me

I look forward to hearing from you.

Warm regards,

Dona Laressa Desmond PhD


Dona Laressa Desmond, PhD, LMFT

Couples Therapy, PreMarital and Marriage Counseling